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Climate change: Wake Forest University experts

Map of the world As diplomats from nearly 200 countries convene in Katowice, Poland, to negotiate plans for curbing global climate change, these scientists and policy experts can provide insight on the COP24 U.N. Climate Change Conference, the effects of global warming and the risks to the U.S. outlined in the recent Fourth National Climate Assessment, and proposed changes to the Clean Water Act.

How the world’s fastest muscle created four unique bird species

Bearded manakin pre-flight When the male bearded manakin snaps its wings at lightning speed, it’s more than part of an elaborate, acrobatic mating ritual. The tiny muscle doing the heavy lifting is also the reason this exotic bird has evolved into four distinct species, according to new research published in the journal eLIFE by Wake Forest University biologist Matthew Fuxjager.

Categories: Research & Discovery
