Opening research doors

This summer, Wake Forest is home to 12 scholars from Spelman College, America's oldest historically black college for women. The scholars have teamed up with faculty in chemistry, communication, English, psychiatry and psychology to conduct research throughout the university.

Categories: Research & Discovery

Exploring China

“We wanted to introduce Wake Forest to China as we look for opportunities to create educational programs in the future,” said Linda McKinnish Bridges, associate dean of admissions. “Not only opportunities for students from China to learn about Wake Forest, but opportunities for Wake Forest students to study abroad or find careers in China.”

Genocide 17 years later

List of names of the dead In an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, political science professor and genocide expert Sarah Lischer writes that "future concord depends on the stories we tell" about the 1995 massacre of more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims in the town of Srebrenica.
