At 6 a.m. the alarm rings. Mornings are for workouts followed by classes and tutoring. Afternoons include additional activities that all Division I level student-athletes take on to compete at the highest level of their sport such as attending film sessions, rehab and therapy, sports performance training and nutrition counseling. A student-athlete’s summer schedule is full but familiar.
WFU’s Office of Civic & Community Engagement reflects expanded Pro Humanitate commitment
There’s no mistaking the purpose of the Office of Civic & Community Engagement as Wake Forest University’s central hub for community-based activities, including service, teaching and research.
WFU awards and recognitions briefs
The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Categories: Awards & Recognition, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
WFU Awards and Recognitions Briefs
The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
WFU awards and recognitions briefs
The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Categories: Awards & Recognition, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
Jonathan L. Walton named Dean of WFU School of Divinity
Wake Forest University has appointed Jonathan L. Walton as Dean of the School of Divinity. Walton is currently at Harvard, where he serves as the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the University’s Memorial Church. He is also Professor of Religion and Society at the Harvard Divinity School.
Categories: Research & Discovery, University Announcements
Jane Aiken named Dean of WFU School of Law
Wake Forest University has chosen Jane Aiken to become the next Dean of the School of Law. Aiken comes to Wake Forest from Georgetown Law, where she has been a professor and administrator since 2007 and currently serves as the Blume Professor of Law.
Categories: Research & Discovery, University Announcements
USAID awards an additional $2.14 million to WFU rainforest research center
Wake Forest University’s Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) has received $2.14 million in additional funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), supporting the expansion of the research center’s study of mercury pollution and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon.
Categories: Awards & Recognition, Environment & Sustainability, Mentorship, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
Hold the mustard: What makes spiders fussy eaters?
It might be one of nature’s most agile and calculating hunters, but the wolf spider won’t harm an insect that literally leaves a bad taste in its mouth, according to new research by a team of Wake Forest University sensory neuroscientists, including C.J. "Jake" Saunders.
WFU awards and recognitions briefs
The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Categories: University Announcements