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Service tied to the American Dream

Service is the key to rekindling the American Dream, Time magazine columnist and bestselling author Joe Klein said in his Oct. 10 speech in Wait Chapel. He also shared stories from more than 40 years as a journalist covering politics and wars.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Destination Winston-Salem

Wake Forest is featured in U.S. Airways Magazine. In the October issue of U.S. Airways Magazine, a 98-page spread positions Winston-Salem as a hub for arts and innovation, showcasing more than two dozen local educational institutions, arts organizations, restaurants and other attractions – Wake Forest chief among them.

Categories: Awards & Recognition

Talking politics

American flag hangs from a WFU building For most Wake Forest undergraduate students, this will be the first time they can participate in a presidential election as voters, and they are taking it seriously. From conversations during casual, between-class walks to formal, student organized debates, students are talking politics.

Categories: Experiential Learning

Grappling with the cost of debt

Alan Simpson and professor Katy Harriger applaud a point by Erskine Bowles (left). With just six weeks until the presidential election, it is rare to find political leaders from both sides of the aisle making joint appearances unless there is an organized debate – especially in a swing state such as North Carolina. But Wake Forest hosted Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles as part of its Voices of Our Time series.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Pauca named Top 20 Innovator

Paul Pauca (right) and his son, Victor For Hispanic Heritage Month, NBC Latino is featuring people who have not only made incredible strides in their careers but also pioneered change in the country. Wake Forest's Paul Pauca was honored for developing Verbal Victor, an app to help children with communication challenges.

Congress awards gold to Palmer

Arnold Palmer Wake Forest golf icon Arnold Palmer received the Congressional Gold Medal at a special ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 12. The medal is the highest civilian award in the U.S., along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which Palmer received in 2004.

Hatch elected chair of NCAA board

Nathan Hatch The NCAA Division I Board of Directors has elected Wake Forest President Nathan O. Hatch as chair of the board. "I am honored to be selected chair of this important body as we seek to address these important issues and work to uphold the ideals of collegiate athletics,” Hatch said.
