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Former Olympian John Carlos to address sports, race and gender

John Carlos Former Olympian, professional football player, and activist John Carlos will join The Nation’s sports editor Dave Zirin and Wake Forest University professor Melissa Harris-Perry for a conversation about the politics of sports, race and gender at the Olympics, and athlete activism as a tool for social change. The event, “Power, Protest, and Patriotism: A Conversation on Race & Gender at the Olympics,” will be held on Friday, Oct. 14, at 7 p.m. at the Wake the Vote Election Hub, located at 2599 Reynolda Rd.

Peggy Noonan offers insider’s look at presidents and leadership

Peggy Noonan Peggy Noonan, former presidential speech writer, columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and the best-selling author of eight books on American politics, history and culture spoke on Sept. 8 to a standing-room-only crowd in Wake Forest’s Brendle Recital Hall as part of the University’s Voices of Our Time series.

Story Ideas: Commencement 2016

Wait Chapel Commencement story ideas include both expert commentary and student examples for how to find a job in 2025, what grads are looking for in their employers, and the growing internship to full-time job trend — plus local students and trash to treasure sustainability angles.

Categories: Happening at Wake
