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Best kept secret: Summer School

Class on the Quad Summer School at Wake Forest is an excellent bargain for students and the children of University employees. For current students, academic credit hours cost less than half of the amount charged during the fall and spring semesters. For the children of qualifying faculty and staff, tuition in the summer sessions is free.

WFU is third at Marketing Summit

Wake Forest team A team of undergraduate students from Wake Forest finished third in an international case competition at the 22nd Annual Marketing Summit presented by the Wake Forest University Schools of Business Center for Retail Innovation. A team from the University of Pennsylvania finished first, and a University of Chicago Booth School of Business team won the MBA division.

Making a ‘splash’ in the Pit

Splash mob dancing Listening to a Rihanna song doesn’t usually prompt people to think of Wake Forest’s “Pro Humanitate” motto. But when a “splash” mob of students stormed the Pit on Feb. 15, they did so to raise awareness for Random Acts of Kindness Week. See the video.

Categories: Experiential Learning
