Research Archive


Wake Forest University contributes to national study on housing loss

September 9, 2020  |   Faculty, Mentoring, Research, School of Law, Student, Top Stories, Wake Forest College

The Future of Property Rights Program at New America, in partnership with Wake Forest University, Wake Forest University School of Law, and Winston-Salem State University has been conducting research to understand where housing loss is most acute across the nation, with a spotlight on Forsyth County to determine who is most impacted and why.


WFU professors study whether pro athletes political statements and race are influencers

August 31, 2020  |   Community in Progress, Faculty, Research, Top Stories

As civil unrest continues across the country and with fall sports in jeopardy because of the COVID-19 pandemic, two Wake Forest professors are examining how professional athletes’ political statements have the ability to impact people’s racial attitudes.


$4 million grant funds project seeking truth about honesty

August 19, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

To search for the truth about honesty, Wake Forest University philosophy professor Christian B. Miller and a team of researchers have been awarded a $4.4 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

Expert Pitch

WFU professor studying challenges families faced with remote learning

July 16, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

With the start of fall classes just weeks away, a Wake Forest University professor is examining challenges families faced with remote learning.

Expert Pitch

Women may not be counted accurately during Census, professor says

July 15, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

It’s no secret the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses and schools to close and people to shelter in place, forcing millions to file for unemployment and delivering a huge blow to the U.S. economy.

Expert Pitch

For Father’s Day: Improving father-daughter relationships

June 18, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

“A father prepares his daughter for the road, rather than preparing the road for his daughter,” says Linda Nielsen, a nationally recognized expert on father-daughter relationships.

Expert Pitch

How the pandemic can strengthen bonds between fathers and daughters

May 13, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned life as we know it upside down. But the strengthening of families, particularly father-daughter relationships, can be one silver lining from it.


Citizen science project tracks blue-footed boobies on social media

May 8, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

Wake Forest biology researcher Jenny Howard is using the sixth annual World Seabird Twitter Conference (#WSTC6) to spread the word about her effort to track the declining population of blue-footed boobies via social media.


Addressing black students’ concerns about belonging in college has benefits in adulthood

April 29, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

The benefits of a brief “social belonging” exercise completed by black students in their first year of college followed them into adulthood, with participants reporting greater career satisfaction, well-being and community involvement almost a decade later.


Coping with Corona: WFU professor creates video series to help

April 23, 2020  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

Christian Waugh, associate professor of psychology and expert in stress and coping, has created a video series discussing the science behind coping with the coronavirus pandemic.

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