Research Archive


One-size-fits-all weight loss doesn’t benefit all older adults

August 23, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

New research explores why some older adults may not see improvements in physical function, despite achieving clinically meaningful weight loss.


WFU anthropologist featured in new PBS/Smithsonian Channel film

June 13, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

In the new film “When Whales Walked: Journeys in Deep Time,” Wake Forest University anthropology professor Ellen Miller stands on a rocky hillside in northern Kenya carefully uncovering 16 million-year-old fossil elephant teeth.


WFU digital health researcher named Wells Fargo Faculty Scholar

June 11, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

Wake Forest University has announced that digital health researcher Jason Fanning is its newest Wells Fargo Faculty Scholar, an honor that includes $120,000 in funding annually for three years.


Seeking better detection for chronic malaria

May 2, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

In people with chronic malaria, certain metabolic systems in the blood change to support a long-term host-parasite relationship, a finding that is key to eventually developing better detection, treatment and eradication of the disease, according to research published today in the Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight.


USAID awards an additional $2.14 million to WFU rainforest research center

April 23, 2019  |   Faculty, Media Advisory, Recognition, Research, Staff, Sustainability, Teacher-Scholar, Top Stories

Wake Forest University’s Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) has received $2.14 million in additional funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), supporting the expansion of the research center’s study of mercury pollution and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon.


Hold the mustard: What makes spiders fussy eaters?

April 15, 2019  |   Faculty, Graduate School, Media Advisory, Research, Student, Teacher-Scholar, Top Stories, University Announcement

It might be one of nature’s most agile and calculating hunters, but the wolf spider won’t harm an insect that literally leaves a bad taste in its mouth, according to new research by a team of Wake Forest University sensory neuroscientists, including C.J. “Jake” Saunders.


For women, class makeup may influence interest in STEM studies

February 28, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

Improving achievement in the first course in engineering may lay the foundation for more women and minorities to pursue engineering as a major, according to new research by Wake Forest University economics professor Amanda Griffith.


New microscopy lab expands student research opportunities

February 26, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Student, Top Stories

Walk into the microscopy lab in Wake Forest University’s biology department, and you won’t see students jockeying for a turn to see a classmate’s cool discovery magnified hundreds of times under the lens. That’s because the new lab connects the microscopes not only to iPads at each lab table but also to classroom monitors, so students and instructors can share instantly any little thing they see.


New study shows more protein and fewer calories help older people lose weight safely

February 14, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

A high-protein, low-calorie diet helps older adults with obesity lose more weight, maintain more muscle mass, improve bone quality and lose “bad” fat, according to results from a new randomized controlled trial led by Wake Forest University researcher Kristen Beavers.


Mom’s reward: Female Galápagos seabird has a shorter lifespan than males

February 12, 2019  |   Faculty, Research, Top Stories

The male Nazca booby, a large seabird of the Galápagos Islands, often outlives the domineering female of the species, according to new research from Wake Forest University published today in the Journal of Animal Ecology.

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